Squire Patton Boggs

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Direct Air Capture: Challenges in an Evolving Industry

The United Nations has recognized that carbon capture and sequestration is a “key technology” in the quest to keep global temperatures from rising above the scientifically-accepted threshold of two degrees Celsius.  One carbon capture method that is increasingly garnering attention is direct air capture (“DAC”).  While DAC technology allows companies to permanently remove carbon dioxide … Continue Reading

CFIUS Expands Reach of its Covered Real Estate Authority with the Addition of Eight New “Military Installations”

As our colleagues recently published on our Trade Practitioner blog, on May 5, 2023, the U.S. Department of Treasury, the agency tasked with administering the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), published a Proposed Rule (88 Fed. Reg. 29003) expanding the list of “military installations” that could trigger CFIUS authority over certain … Continue Reading

UK Infrastructure Bank – Now Firmly Established and Lending

Those familiar with the UK infrastructure and energy sectors will be aware be aware that a Government-owned bank, established to fund projects in these sectors, has been talked about for some years, partially as a response to Brexit and the withdrawal of the European Investment Bank from the UK market, and also following the Government’s … Continue Reading

Welcome to the Global Projects View Blog!

The Squire Patton Boggs Global Projects Initiative is excited to present our Global Projects View Blog.  Working from our Firm’s global perspective on all things infrastructure, we are looking forward to offering our insights and commentary on the many challenges infrastructure projects underway encounter and identifying new challenges and solutions faced by projects as they … Continue Reading