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LIHTC – It’s Not the Only Way to Finance Housing Projects.  Benefits of Tax-Exempt Financing Work Force Housing Projects

A few months ago[1] Bob Labes and I wrote a blog post about the $78 Billion Tax Bill that includes affordable housing help by reducing the tax-exempt financing requirement for a developer to receive the 4% low income housing tax credit (4% LIHTC) by 40% for a limited time only.  This got us thinking about … Continue Reading

Why the Construction Industry Needs to Be Worried About “Greenwashing”

It is reported that globally the construction industry is responsible for almost 25% of greenhouse gas emissions, 40% of total energy production, 16% of total water consumption and 30% to 40% of all solid waste. Growing environmental awareness and activism means it is likely that industries with a large carbon footprint and environmental impact, such … Continue Reading

Construction Matters

This month’s Construction Matters examines the purpose of bank guarantees pending the final resolution of a dispute, concurrent delays, and the recent western Australian Supreme Court decision to severe part of an adjudication determination beyond the adjudicator’s jurisdiction. In addition, we highlight a series of recent insights from around our firm that are topical to … Continue Reading

Regulation of PFAS Could Have Widespread Impacts for New Projects

As we noted in a prior post, linked here, US EPA has proposed to designate two per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) as hazardous substances under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), also known as “Superfund.” CERCLA provides the Federal government with the authority to respond to releases or threatened releases of hazardous substances … Continue Reading