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The USDA’s ReConnect Program Is Back in the Broadband Infrastructure Funding Picture—and at a Critical Time

While the BEAD Program continues to garner most of the attention when it comes to federal funding for broadband infrastructure deployment programs, in this blog we have consistently underscored that (1) there are other sources of funding available and (2) the BEAD Program may not be the best fit for every entity and project. The … Continue Reading

Biden Administration Finalizes Greenhouse Gas Target Rule that is Likely to Draw Challenges

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) recently released a prepublication version of its final rule establishing a greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions measure.  The final rule establishes a method for measurement of GHG emissions associated with transportation and requires state departments of transportation (State DOTs) and metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) that have National Highway System (NHS) routes … Continue Reading

New Technical Assistance Resources:  If You Are Not Shovel Ready, Here’s How to Start the Process

In September, the White House released a “Fact Sheet” addressing technical resources to assist communities to unlock resources needed to take advantage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and other infrastructure funding opportunities.  … Continue Reading

Best P3 Practices for the US Webinar Series

We are pleased to announce a four-part webinar series based on developing best practices for US public-private partnerships (P3s). P3s are coming into their own across the US with high expectations as to how federal and state infrastructure funds can be leveraged when partnered with the private sector. Partnerships are complex on a good day … Continue Reading

Federal and State Restrictions on Foreign Investment in US Real Estate

Unlike many countries, the United States has generally remained open for investment in US real estate by foreign owned entities, albeit with some government oversight. The primary regulatory hurdle has long been the Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States (CFIUS), a federal interagency committee with a relatively narrow scope of review related to … Continue Reading

Fall Forecast: What to Expect From Washington Through the End of the Year

With Labor Day behind us, Congress returns to Washington with a packed agenda. One month now stands between lawmakers and the end of the government’s fiscal year. And Congress has only four months to tackle various end-of-year deadlines. From domestic policy discussions to international relations, we look back at the first eight months of 2023 … Continue Reading

2023 SMART Funding Open until October 10, 2023:  Check it out.

Established by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), the Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Program awards grants to various public sector agencies – state, local, and tribal governments, public transit agencies, metropolitan planning organizations – to execute projects that use advanced technologies to improve transportation efficiency and safety. The Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 … Continue Reading

Cybersecurity Resiliency Funding for U.S. States and Territories

The Department of Homeland Security has announced a Notice of Funding Opportunity (“NOFO”) for the fiscal year (“FY”) 2023 State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (“SLCGP”).  This program makes approximately $374.9 million available in funding available to help state, local and territorial governments manage and reduce systemic cyber risks through focused investments.… Continue Reading

P3 State Legislation Update and Opportunities for the Private Sector

P3 state legislation continues to expand and move forward with governors signing legislation into law and sending some bills back to legislatures for review and revision. The states have in common efforts to define the breadth and depth of projects suitable for public private partnerships and many are working to establish specific offices to manage … Continue Reading

US Environmental Protection Agency Seeks Applications for Two Clean Energy Grant Programs

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced it is seeking applications for two competitive clean energy grant programs, the National Clean Communities Investment Accelerator and the Clean Communities Investment Accelerator, which have combined funding of US$20 billion. These programs are part of the US$27 billion Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) established under the Inflation Reduction … Continue Reading

Chasing the Infrastructure Funding, Amid Layers of Federal Requirements

With a divided U.S. Congress and presidential and congressional elections looming in 2024, U.S. President Joe Biden looks to boost labor protections using available executive and regulatory mechanisms within his control. Notably, one White House initiative will soon come into greater focus for large-scale, federally-funded construction projects – President Biden’s Executive Order (E.O.) 14063. Signed … Continue Reading

IRA Provisions for New Hydrogen Production Tax Credit

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) (Pub. L. 117-169) was signed into law on August 16, 2022. The IRA includes significant tax provisions, as well as nearly US$370 billion in federal funding for clean energy and environmental projects in the form of competitive grants, cooperative agreements, and loan programs. Notably, the IRA provides for a new … Continue Reading

A Complimentary Infrastructure Funding Solution: The Federal Infrastructure Bank

Despite the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill’s historic $1.2 trillion investment in U.S. infrastructure, the American Society of Civil Engineers estimates an additional $2 trillion is needed to repair our deteriorating infrastructure. The federal government cannot address U.S. infrastructure funding needs alone. The Federal Infrastructure Bank (“the Bank”) would work directly with states and localities to identify … Continue Reading